A Black Woman’s Journey by Melissa Owens

The birth of a child is a beautiful event, but families tackle parenting in different ways according to their means and abilities. Beginning with our impressionable formative years through the transition to young adulthood, good role models and sound guidance help children thrive. Unfortunately, not every childhood looks quite so idyllic. A Black Woman’s Journey is an intimate portrait of a woman brought up in less-than-ideal circumstances. In what Melissa Owens calls her “memoirs of love, pain, loss, comfort, and forgiveness”, the collection is a heartening tale of life lessons learned the hard way. The introduction sets the tone as the author candidly admits her shortcomings. “I’m a woman who needs love and support…who is still learning how to be a woman…who wakes up in the morning still learning to love myself.” This refreshing honesty of character is a shining light and guiding principle for the protagonist’s tumultuous misadventures.

Owens takes readers on an illuminating journey that touches on everything from teen parenthood to walking in on a double homicide in this quick read that is divided into seven action-filled chapters. There are numerous sexual partners, rekindled flames, repeated mistakes, prayers for wisdom, and moments of clarity, yet with so much happening in the span of so few pages, the development of characters and establishment of scenes and settings suffer greatly. The result is a series of fast-moving vignettes presented in dramatic bursts that often fail to fully immerse readers. With the goal of relating to African American women who have similarly struggled to develop meaningful relationships, the author succeeds in delivering an account that lacks pretense, encourages vulnerability, and is in touch with today’s needs. No matter our background, all of us can remember making mistakes we wish we hadn’t and then struggling to stay on a better course. The conversational writing style makes it feel like time spent with a dear friend, urging readers to make better choices and shed past regrets. Though descriptions and details may be scarce, there is plenty of heartfelt advice that gives readers a chance to learn from someone else’s mistakes and avoid personal grief. To help buoy readers along, chapters end with concise summaries of lessons learned and prayers to keep moving forward. Packed with drama and emotional exposure, A Black Woman’s Journey is a riveting collection that leaves audiences feeling the author’s compassion, support, and encouragement.
