list of book awards contests with prices

List of Book Awards Contests

With over a million ebooks published each year, independent and self-published authors face a tough challenge: How can they make sure that their book stands out above the rest? There are several ways that authors can entice readers to select their book over all the other options available. One way is having an attention grabbing synopsis. Another is getting a lot of positive reviews, including both editorial reviews and customer reviews. But one tactic that authors use for convincing readers to select their book that should not be overlooked is entering award contests. When a book wins an award, not only does it typically receive publicity through the award contest host, but once a book has won an award, that information can be shared in marketing campaigns to show that the book is of high quality and is worth being purchased. Amazon and other retailers allow authors to tell potential customers that their book is award-winning, and this inevitably leads to additional sales. Many contests also provide badges that can be shared on websites and on book covers. When selecting which awards contests to enter, make sure that you consider the value by comparing the entry fee with the reputability and visibility of the contest host.


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