A Girl Of Color by Vikki Young

A positive book whose message lands just right!

“My name is Morgan and I’m a girl of color!” Morgan is not just a girl of color, but she is a vibrant girl that loves colors of all sorts! Her story starts as she considers her skin tone and that of her “peachy” best friend. Black and white take on life and meaning beyond a palette of absolutes as they are compared to sun-kissed leaves in the fall or contrasted with an icy snowman. Without a hint of judgement or competition, Morgan is able to appreciate the beauty that both girls possess. And with the help of dynamic artwork, it is easy to see that these girls have far more in common with their polka-dots and comfy PJ’s than they have in opposition. In a variety of circumstances and moods, Morgan is depicted embodying red, blue, purple, yellow, pink and green, all while embracing spirited aspects of the rainbow of colors in her life. 

A Girl Of Color is a positive book whose message lands just right! Courteous, playful, friendly and open, Morgan is effortlessly inclusive. She radiates a zest for life as she expresses herself through art, play and conversation, and this vitality is contagious! The images will help little readers to see how much love and happiness the world holds, whether in the company of friends, family, strangers or by ourselves. One of the final pages pictures Morgan standing hand in hand with her brother, her best friend, and a truly diverse selection of humanity encircling a radiant blue and green globe. Morgan’s reiteration of the book’s main theme, “I’m a girl of color!” resounds like the battle cry of a superhero, without any need for extravagant Hollywood special effects. Instead, this girl and other like-minded children are a sound hope and goal for how we should all treat other people. Rather than being blind to our differences or letting them be divisive, A Girl Of Color by Vikki Young embraces them and shines like a beacon of love and light.
