Jud by Michael Breen

A staggering story whose creativity is unsurpassed. Dagny and her younger sister, Grete, are hardly children anymore. Catastrophe tore their family apart years ago and Dagny only recently recovered that crucial family connection. But things happened to both girls while they were separated and, in a bid to protect her sister, Grete has disappeared again. […]

Twilight Perils by Miguel Angel Hernandez Jr.

Hernandez employs highly emotive words to create a frightening atmosphere. Dark turns and fiendish twists lurk behind every corner in Miguel Angel Hernandez Jr.’s collection of short stories, Twilight Perils. Meaty and macabre, the ghastly tales feature a myriad of evil characters that harbor dangerous secrets and ill intentions. Broadly horrific, this anthology dabbles in

Sea of Souls by N. C. Scrimgeour

A darkly decadent gem about a girl learning how to mend a shattered reality. Selkie. The name alone sparks enough fear to cause anyone to want to flee from the coast. Yet, these terrifying shapeshifters aren’t what caused Isla Blackwood to trade a comfortable life in Silveckan for the open ocean some seven years earlier.

Kilómetro Cero by James Walter Lee

With a new MBA under his belt and a bankable career already laid out before him, Nick Evers has a set of circumstances most people would envy. Add in his inherited wealth, athletic physique, close friends, and striking good looks and you have a storybook-perfect life. Yet, Nick didn’t ask for any of this. While

Ties That Kill by Deven Greene

A tense and authoritative medical thriller with a sturdy warmth radiating from its core. A new semester is underway and Dr. Martin Starling is ready to regale his organic chemistry students with as many periodic table puns as the lecture hall has seats. But instead of immersing a new class in the world of structural

The Delusion by T.O. Paine

Technically detailed, perfectly paced, and psychologically gripping. Emma Petranova has sacrificed her life for her career and all those concessions are about to pay off. Studying the psychology behind digital mass persuasion has filled her days and many of her nights, all leading up to this landmark evening. Once Dr. Santan accepts the prestigious Tiberian

The Errors of Mankind by Curt A. Canfield

When studying the modern history of our world, it is impossible to exclude war from the curriculum. Stemming from religious and political divisions to run-of-the-mill selfishness, war has been a driving force behind almost every land and nation. Military veteran Will knows this firsthand. A Marine who served in Vietnam, Will struggles to accept the

Stars on Fire by Elaine DeBohun

A novel that will wholly transport you to another time and place.  There is more to Holden Thompson than meets the eye, though he is quite fetching to behold. Recuperating from mental and physical battlefield wounds collected toward the end of the First World War, he decides to spend some time catching up with his

The Weight We Carry by Christina Consolino

An emotional and introspective experience. Over many decades of marriage, Frank and Angie Raffaelo have created a home filled with love and family. But the years have not been entirely carefree for this aging couple. Grief, depression, and regret are their constant companions and time proves to be an unrelenting force. When Frank falls from

Love Laugh and Row by Trisa J. Louise

Greta and Aleksander Kristoff escaped Russia at just the right time. History’s Bloody Sunday is all the impetus needed for this courageous family to leave everything behind in the hopes of a better life. Emigrating to America in pursuit of freedom, however, is not without trouble. Whether harassment from gangsters, the pain of separation, or

Departure by Tippi Bruce

It is the end of the world and it seems that Joy didn’t get a heads-up. Without any idea of what is happening to the country and nobody to turn to for answers, she finds herself in a precarious position. Hundreds of people are being herded onto trains destined for an undisclosed location and Joy