Awakening by Jennifer Leigh Pezzano

Awakening is a sensual love story that spans hundreds of years, divided into three distinct parts. Jezebel thrives on solitude and emotional insulation. Her traumatic past fades into the recesses of her mind as she throws herself into her small cleaning business and the monotony of life. But when an alluring stranger comes into her life with an enticing yet bizarre offer, Jezebel’s desires override her defenses. What she discovers about herself and the world around her threatens to change everything she’s worked so hard for.  

Part two takes place in another time where another Jezebel is just learning of her unique powers and of what bliss truly means. An enrapturing man is there to help her on a gorgeous journey of self discovery. But not everybody gets a happy ending, even if you have the entire world and many lifetimes at your disposal. In the third part, August, the complex man at the root of this romantic novel, is able to move through some of his emotional trauma and focus on what’s most important as he tries to live in the present.

If you judged this book by its cover, you would be overcome with a startling beauty. And the story is exactly that. The typical trappings of a vampire novel are tossed out the window as the elegant August proves to be a humane and compassionate man, and not an enemy to mortal humans. While I didn’t feel like the middle section of the book added enough to the narrative to keep me involved in that storyline, the prose is striking, almost poetic as August and Jezebel’s story unfolds. Readers that love supernatural romance bursting with erotic scenes and intimate moments will find a new favorite in Awakening.
