Be a Better Manager in Five Minutes a Day by Dr. Dominic McLoughlin

These ideas can transform you into a leader people want to follow.

Some people are born to lead. Almost effortlessly, they are able to gain the trust and respect of their teams while engendering an atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration. Other managers foster a work environment that ranges from noticeably unpleasant to openly hostile. Most of us fall somewhere in between these extremes. Since staffers are unlikely to perform well, let alone thrive when they feel unmotivated or unappreciated, we may wonder, “How can we inspire our team to achieve outstanding success?” Dr. Dominic McLoughlin’s tremendously helpful book, Be a Better Manager in Five Minutes a Day: Create Trust in Your Team, not only addresses this common workplace conundrum but equips readers with reasonable tools to improve. Presented in small, digestible portions, this serviceable guide puts managers and aspiring leaders in the driver’s seat, offering tips on everything from gaining trust and promoting communication to inspiring our staff and mastering effective delegation. Acknowledging that self-improvement takes work, the strategies are broken into modest segments that allow readers time to absorb and implement each morsel. With such a wealth of information, anyone who has been in a leadership position for any length of time will find useful ideas on how to develop their management style.

A product of Dr. Dominic McLoughlin’s own painstaking research and a sensible application of the results, Be a Better Manager in Five Minutes a Day is filled with solid evidence and real-world scenarios. Results of both good and bad leadership strategies are examined, emphasizing the value of self-improvement. The information is delivered through conversational text, impactive charts and graphs, and a breakdown of how to implement the ideas progressively. Professional without being stodgy, corporate jargon is kept to a minimum while workable suggestions are supplied at a maximum. Whether your career is in the fast-paced tech sector or you manage inexperienced fast-food employees, these ideas can transform you into a leader people want to follow. Not only useful in business, this book’s sound advice filters down to our personal lives, improving our relationships and interactions. With an unpretentious voice, an arsenal of practical suggestions, and a plethora of intelligent points, Be a Better Manager in Five Minutes a Day should be considered required reading for anyone who wants to become the best person in and out of the office!
