Beat Your Weight Beat Your Fat by Ian Breaker

Breaker stands as the voice of reason in a sea of weight-loss strategies.

Beat Your Weight Beat Your Fat is an intelligent look at how to cope in an obesogenic environment and a challenging food landscape. Beginning with a clear explanation of the underlying problems, too much refined foods including fructose and not enough fiber, and delivering a sound method to change our eating habits, Ian Breaker presents an uncomplicated path to help mitigate the weight problems plaguing the modern world. The underlying science in any weight-loss book can be complicated and technical, but Ian Breaker does a spectacular job at making tricky concepts easy to understand. There are only a few key ideas put forth as a solution rather than long lists of acceptable/prohibited foods. This notion is appealing as it simplifies an otherwise complicated array of ideas on diet and nutrition.

If you are tired of yo-yo dieting and fed up with fads, Ian Breaker’s book is for you! Thoughtfully written and filled with Aha! moments, Beat Your Weight Beat Your Fat will resonate with anybody who has given thought about how to reduce stubborn fat that always manages to stick around. Having considered many diet and nutrition books, I am certain that the book’s content is based off of sound principles, although the scientific research to back up the observations isn’t expressly cited. Nonetheless, Breaker stands as the voice of reason in a sea of weight-loss strategies. Beat Your Weight Beat Your Fat will help you once and for all lose the extra weight that’s been weighing you down.
