Before the Foundation of the World by Susan Weiner

Before the Foundation of the World is a gorgeous collection of poems and song-like compositions all designed to bring glory to God. The first thing readers will notice are the lovely embellishments and flourishes adorning each page. Before any words are read, the artwork sets the mood for a relaxing and contemplative journey. The poems are imbued with literary expressions and terms one might find in the King James Bible, and many readers of that translation will find Susan Weiner’s anthology of religious poetry to be the perfect accompaniment to their religious study. From calming lullabies to powerful shouts of praise lauding the wonders of creation, Before the Foundation of the World is an upbuilding and encouraging addition to any Christian’s library.

It is noteworthy that despite the beautiful classical English found throughout the stanzas, the poetry itself is refreshingly straightforward and intersperses a fair amount of contemporary language, which makes it palatable to a wide range of readers. It is abundantly clear that this collection is an expression of faith meant to incite meditation on deeper spiritual issues such as a Christian’s stand on evils in the world, hope, and redemption. For a wonderful break from the hectic pace of modern life, Before the Foundation of the World is a salve to the soul.
