Busted Earth by Ross Duggleby

Earth (in the very near future) has suffered a great catastrophe. A fierce outbreak and a mild invasion caused billions to perish. The planet is overrun by zombies with aspirations and animals controlled by an errant computer. Bots are in charge and the world is a dangerous and hilarious place. Join Derek as he tries to find his way in (and off of) this wildly outlandish new world.

If the book’s cover is any indication, Ross Duggleby turns everything we know about science fiction on its head! Zombies erect structures and cultivate the ground. They seek to regain their lost humanity. The aliens are here to help. Fluffy penguins are fearful taskmasters. And everything is seen through a comedic lens. Besides cheeky dialogue, readers will be thoroughly amused at aliens struggling with the weather and other mundane frustrations.

If you are looking for a delightful change of pace and REALLY want to laugh, grab a copy of Busted Earth. Ross Duggleby takes readers on a rollicking cross continent journey… destination: Chuckletown!
