Church Sweet Home: A Renovation to Warm the Soul by Monica Lee

Funny and heartwarming renovation-driven memoir.

“One way to judge a good memoir is by its first chapter.” I found these words on a blog by the author. A high bar to reach, to be sure, but in Church Sweet Home: A Renovation to Warm the Soul, the bar has been exceeded! Tyler and Monica decide to take on the monumental task of renovating and repurposing a church that is older than any living human. Why take on such an extraordinary task? The reasoning is sound. “We couldn’t afford what we really wanted. And what we could afford would require… renovations to remove the previous owners’ bad taste.” The pages detail the project beginning with a first failed attempt at buying a church, to delays, budgets, and flaky contractors.  To round out the entertainment, Lee adds cheeky religious-esque titles to all the chapters.

To state it plainly, this book is downright hilarious! When I read that the author thought it to be her ‘alliterative destiny to become Monica from Pecatonica,’ I knew that I was hooked! Besides being humorously insightful, the text is also very informative. Who knew that a steeplejack was a profession? Or that a come-along is the name of a tool, and not just a command for a dog? Or that an oil burning air conditioner was once a thing? If you’ve ever taken on a home remodeling task, this book will surely resonate with you. And even if you haven’t, Monica Lee writes in an inclusive manner, making readers feel like they are there with her for every nail pounded and every inch of floor sanded. Showcasing sharp wit and a terrific sense of humor, Church Sweet Home: A Renovation to Warm the Soul is a funny and heartwarming renovation-driven memoir.
