Consciousness Is All There Is by Dr. Tony Nader

Entirely analytic and unrelentingly optimistic.

Have you ever been looking for an answer to a question only to find that the deeper you dig, the more complex the question becomes? After looking in many directions and from different angles, you finally conclude that the right solution is the simplest one. For Dr. Tony Nader, substantial research, meditation, study, and contemplation led him to one succinct conclusion that simplifies many of life’s challenges, that consciousness is all there is. He posits, “Consciousness is that enigmatic force that dwells within each of us…It is both the question and the answer, the riddle and the revelation.” But this book is not a collection of wild speculations or deceptive doublespeak. Instead, this copious reference work joins scientific methods and philosophical ideas into a thoughtfully crafted framework that not only explains the nature of consciousness but also reaches a broader potential in understanding and application. The author dignifies readers by speaking to them as equals, and audiences will appreciate how the applied principles tackle modern complexities. While those without a scientific background or a familiarity with Vedic beliefs might be confused by certain terminology or concepts, powerful illustrations and clever analogies will reach most readers.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. This adage speaks to people’s reluctance to take action even when there is a tangible benefit. Nader makes every attempt to convince readers how metaphorically thirsty they are and how quenching the water looks in his entirely analytic and unrelentingly optimistic book, Consciousness Is All There Is: How Understanding and Experiencing Consciousness Will Transform Your Life. The work is impressive in scope, first defining what is known about consciousness and what recent science has uncovered. From there, it deals with common questions and objections, such as whether artificially intelligent computers are conscious. Tapping into consciousness then becomes a worthwhile endeavor that has the potential to reach deep into our communities, addressing everything from addiction to discrimination. If you’re not anticipating what sometimes feels like an advertisement for the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, his Transcendental Meditation movement, or Vedic traditions, the book will seem imbalanced at times. But for those open to these ideas, Consciousness Is All There Is could be the beginning of a tremendous journey toward improved health, mental clarity, personal satisfaction, inner calm, and unbounded possibilities.
