Dark Psychology by Michael Connor

“I would never fall for that,” you might say, regarding people that try to manipulate you into doing something that you wouldn’t otherwise do. Well, Michael Connor explains that you likely fall for it to some extent every day. From politicians to marketing agencies, there is a barrage of psychological tactics used every day to persuade us one way or another. However, the focus of Dark Psychology, whose full name is actually Dark Psychology: Learn How To Understand and Defend Yourself From Being Manipulated By Unmasking The Dark Side of the Mind, is to point out some far more sinister threats to our mind and how we can identify them.

More like a magazine article in length than a book, Dark Psychology is a very fast read. It does a nice job of explaining what dark psychology is and the types of individuals that use that form of manipulation for nefarious purposes. One narrative describes a man named Brian, a sociopath that had a negative effect on a number of people throughout his life, even leading individuals toward suicide. Manipulative indeed! This short book ends abruptly with a motivating call to put a stop to dark psychology through greater awareness.

Dark Psychology is a quick read for anyone wanting to learn about how people use psychological tactics against others. Michael Connor provides clear explanations of dark psychology that can help you become more conscious of the affect others can have on you.
