Dear Universe, I Get it Now: Letters on the Art and Journey of Being Brave and Being Me by A.Y. Berthiaume

An inspirational and thoughtful guidebook.

From childhood experiences that shaped who she became to the ups and downs of adult life, A.Y. Berthiaume has bared her soul and shared herself with the world in this memoir. Each chapter is written as a journal entry to the Universe about a specific incident, and often a turning point, in the author’s life. While the writing style can be light and humorous at times, this book also delves into a number of serious and heart-wrenching topics such as racism, sexual assault and miscarriage. Throughout it all, the author’s growth as a person is the thread that ties all of these experiences together, resulting in a refreshingly inspiring conclusion. At the end of each chapter, some introspective questions are provided so that those who wish to get more from the book can reflect upon them, enriching their own lives.

A.Y. Berthiaume has a clear, casual and captivating writing style that, right from the start of the book, makes you feel like you’re a close friend of hers. More than simply an entertaining and enthralling read, however, Dear Universe, I Get it Now will grab your emotions and take them to unexpected places. Perhaps the most notable example is a trip to Australia that should have been the height of youthful excitement, but which results in a traumatic experience like no other. Be prepared to laugh, cry, and experience every emotion in between. Dear Universe, I Get it Now: Letters on the Art and Journey of Being Brave and Being Me is more than just a memoir, it is an inspirational and thoughtful guidebook, led by one woman’s intriguing and often dramatic life’s experiences.
