Dream Phaze – Germination by Matt Watters

An agile near-future science fiction novel pulsing with frantic energy, lurking danger and endless movement.

Dr. Saxon Zynn and his innovative company are on the cusp of unleashing a bold, new entertainment platform on the world, lifelike Dream Immersion. This groundbreaking technology promises to revolutionize and reshape the way humans recreate and luxuriate, but, as with any new advancement, there are numerous hurdles to leap. Religious fanatics view the product as an affront to their beliefs, international companies are threatening to take action, investors are breathing down Saxon’s neck, and discord among the staff at Zynn Communications is testing his patience and determination. Plus, there are endless moral dilemmas that have yet to be sorted through, despite a carefully deliberated set of Dream Immersion rules. Saxon deals with this fallout in a very personal way within his family, but also in potential delays to the product’s secure launch and in the direction his company moves. However, the general public is eager to experience the indulgence that engineered dreams have to offer, regardless of any possible ramifications or ethical implications. Social media is abuzz and people can hardly wait for the launch of “The Event.” But is the world really ready for a technology that has unplanned capabilities and applications, including recording memories and invading the mind?

Dream Phaze – Germination is an agile near-future science fiction novel pulsing with frantic energy, lurking danger and endless motion. Enthralling dream experiences that read like time-travel adventures are interspersed with the real-time movement of the plot, keeping the story shifting in unexpected locations and directions. Though the prolific technical language can be daunting, it lends itself well to a feasible and viable concept spearheaded by an intellectual group of scientists, researchers and programmers. The indistinct voices of some of the characters add to a monochromatic atmosphere that paints this entire futuristic novel in a sterile, ominous color, portending the difficulties and moral ambiguity associated with advancing technology. Watters does an impressive job of building drama, suspense, international intrigue and the fun of dream manipulation into a sleek volume that packs a fierce punch. So buckle in tight and try to keep up, because Dream Phaze – Germination moves at breakneck speed with some dark, bizarre twists that are impossible to anticipate! 
