Elliptically Sleuthy by E W Ryder

Allison is in a rut. At the opposite of insistence by her mother, Allison decides to spend some time roving about with a wrinkly old relative simply referred to as E to get a fresh start. After a number of days squiggling across some unnamed states, E receives a job offer he can’t refuse. A beautiful woman named Valerie, who exhibits terrific posture, has received threats in the form of bullets into her home. E and Allison, along with a collection of other odd acquaintances, come together to solve the crime.

Even if you’re a fan of Douglas Adams, I doubt you’ve come across an author like E W Ryder. Elliptically Sleuthy is a witty mystery clothed in comedy. But the comedy is (intentionally?) off. It’s the way many Americans feel when the watch British comedy on TV… it’s all funny music and people walking really fast and you laugh, but you’re not entirely sure why it’s funny. But you enjoy it nonetheless. This book has improbable situations, astute observations, and sagacious conversations. It also boasts plenty of absurdity and inanity.  

While humor is subjective, Elliptically Sleuthy falls on the more intelligent side of the satire scale. Grab a couple of drinks and you’ll really enjoy getting to know the mysterious E and company!
