Empire Remembered: Rebuilding Kysia by Jason R Sank

The city of Crestburn, a mere vestige of the once glorious Kysian Empire, is in a state of upheaval. Rulership is overturned in the span of a single night, unseating the unscrupulous Lord Djinar and elevating Lord Merik, a man pledging real change for the people of Crestburn. This transition of power is no small feat in a land where psychic abilities are the norm and corruption is the true law of the land. Merik’s promises mean little to a populace used to laboring under the heavy hand of tyrannical dictators, but there are those who think Lord Merik will be the path forward to restore a brilliant Empire. A litany of trusted advisors, hired muscle and sly associates bludgeon and barter their way through the land pursuing different goals. Most are loyal only to themselves, so treachery is a constant companion in this forward-thinking fantasy novel that highlights how elusive true justice can be.

Empire Remembered: Rebuilding Kysia by Jason R Sank is a promising and complex story with plenty of meat to chew on. The world building invites readers into a post-collapse society that walks a fine line between civility and decay. A clear distinction between oppressive rulers and the few fighting for what is just and right is a classic storyline that is well employed here. While the cast is interesting and diverse, the sheer number of characters is so large that it can be difficult to make a connection with or get a full picture of any individual. However, if you enjoy getting fully involved in a world with amazing abilities, political overthrows, and clever deceptions, with several hundred pages of mesmerizing plotlines to dig into, this elaborate novel is certain to leave you satisfied. An impressive start to a unique new series, Empire Remembered: Rebuilding Kysia is a complex high-fantasy novel overflowing with honest humanness.
