Flight of the Spark by Evelyn Puerto

A wickedly entertaining story for anybody who has ever wanted to break free.

“If you want something, you’ll have to take a risk or two.” Iskra is no risk taker. She lives in Gishin, a town built on the safety of its citizens. True, there is little variety in Gishin: folks have the same haircut, clothing is dull and shapeless, food doesn’t have much in the way of flavor, and music is a once a year treat. But people are safe, and as long as they don’t question authority they will stay that way. Iskra is a timid teen, known to be docile and obedient. But when her closest friend is taken away for asking questions, Iskra has to choose between the security she has always known and the allure of the unknown.

Evelyn Puerto has laid the groundwork for a fantastic fantasy in this first in the Outlawed Myth series. The traditions and prejudices run deep among the villagers of Gishin. As Iskra has to take a stand against all she has ever known, it is easy to sense her apprehension. The writing style is straightforward, yet fun as Puerto adds in charming colloquialisms to add credibility to the unique fictional land. Flight of the Spark is a wickedly entertaining story for anybody who has ever wanted to break free.
