Reviews let people know that your book is worth reading!
When used wisely, editorial reviews can have a great impact on prospective readers.


- Indies Today offers affordable editorial reviews to self-published and indie authors, including those using small press and independent publishers. The standard turnaround time for our reviews is six weeks or less.
- Our reviews can be added to the editorial reviews section of your book’s Amazon page. They can also be shared with various other retailers, on your book’s cover, on social media, etc.
- If your book receives 5 stars, it qualifies for a digital Indies Today Recommendation Badge that can be displayed on your book’s cover or on your website.
- We offer a limited number of editorial reviews each month, available on a first-come first-served basis. Due to popular demand, our reviews often sell out. If we are sold out, check back on the 1st of the following month.
- We can accept .pdf (PDF) files, .epub (Ebook) files or .docx (MS Word) files for review.

“Indies Today reviewers are terrific! Some ‘professional’ review services just paraphrase the jacket copy, but your reviewers offer much more thoughtful opinions and observations.”
– Ruth F. Stevens

“Indies Today has been an incredible boost to my career and dreams as an author and… has opened some incredible doors.”
– Jordan P. Barnes

“We’ve received about 15 editorial reviews and this was one of the best written ones.”
– Alex J. Knudsen

“Thank you so much, Indies Today, for a beautiful review. I appreciate all the details the reviewer included and the incredible support for this book.”
– Pat Black-Gould

“Indies Today is a really fantastic editorial publication.”
– Jonathan Edward Durham

“Thank you for another thoughtful, detailed, and well written review!! Your reviewers are among the BEST anywhere!”
– Toni Cabell

Editorial Book Review Only
March’s reviews are sold out. Check back April 1st for an Indies Today editorial review.

Editorial Book Review AND Entry in the Indies Today Awards Contest
March’s reviews are sold out. Check back April 1st for an Indies Today editorial review.
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