Happily Never After by Hanna Shebar

It can be tough to meet people, and perhaps no place is more difficult than the City of Angels. For Sophie Martin, meeting a decent guy ranks fairly high on her priority list. She’s the kind of woman who is always looking for her fairy-tale moment, but finds that reality rarely lives up to the hype. So it comes as no surprise when she falls hard for the poisonous Richard Corbin. A whirlwind weekend is enough for Sophie to know she’s hooked, but before the sparks even begin to fade, problems begin to crop up. Insecurities, jealousies, and manipulations all set off alarm bells. Fights lead to break-ups, which inevitably result in make-ups. Over. And over. Even when the relationship becomes abusive and unquestionably toxic, she keeps taking Richard back. Occasionally Sophie changes up the unhealthy pattern and throws in other interesting guys. Most of these relationships are just short, meaningless flings while trying to move on from Richard, but one keeps resurfacing. Too bad it’s Richard’s brother!

Happily Never After: Toxic Relationship & Its Consequences is like a dating manual for the modern woman, except this is a guide of what not to do! True, Sophie struggles with bad choices on an endless loop, but she isn’t without decent friends. Chloe is a nice contrast, an anchor and a voice of reason as Sophie navigates an intense love triangle. Playful chapter headings, such as Did You Miss Me Enough To Drink Or Did You Drink Enough To Miss Me and Delusionland tease just what readers are in store for as they follow Sophie’s escapades. However, the plot soon begins to feel repetitive and tedious, not offering much in the way of peaks and valleys. It becomes difficult to root for the protagonist as she repeatedly decides to stand up for herself, but then, abruptly, changes her mind. However, if you enjoy a steady pace and a healthy dose of soap-opera sized drama, this book about a dysfunctional relationship will surely grab your interest. With a fitting conclusion and a cosmopolitan feel, Happily Never After: Toxic Relationship & Its Consequences is a lightning-fast story that will have you thinking twice before you allow another bad relationship into your life.
