Helio Tropez by C.M. Rieger

A visionary fantasy/science-fiction novel of the highest order.

Young Hadden Violetta takes advantage of his Air Force training to steal a military plane. His destination? A visit with his older self, some 2000 miles away and 50 years in the future. Flying a plane into an underwater stargate is the first leap of faith out of many Hadden will take in his journey of enlightenment and redemption. The older Hadden begins to explain a plot involving psychic warfare, corrosive cognitive modifications, and complete inversion of the natural order of things. Even the idea of a natural order of things shifts as young Hadden and his grown daughter, Tia, are introduced to the true land of their ancestors, Helio Tropez. Situated under Mount Rainier, Helio Tropez radiates warmth and vitality at a glance. However, a closer look tells a story where shades of truth throw shadows on this harmonious land. Hadden’s time travel and subsequent return to Helio Tropez has put many lives at stake, risking more than just timelines and family trees. Etched into the calendar from times immemorial, a predetermined cosmic event looms close. Judgement is coming, but can anyone ace this test of mind-bending proportions?

Incredibly well-arranged, satisfyingly complex and flawlessly organized, Helio Tropez is a visionary fantasy/science-fiction novel of the highest order. A mesmerizing journey through time and space, Tia and Hadden fight against the virtual enslavement of the human race, brought on through a willing dependence on technology. In this high-definition world, humans have chosen comfort and convenience over personal sovereignty. The premise is bold yet humbling, echoing current social trends back with only a slightly hazy reflection. C.M. Rieger elegantly depicts a steadily degrading race that overestimates its position in the grand scheme of things, while metaphysical peculiarities are explained handily using new revelations to explain everyday things. With resplendent themes of personal and collective transformation, spirituality, freedom, and self-awareness, this is a story of immense weight that will touch audiences in different ways based on the unique perspectives of readers. By design, Helio Tropez deftly transcends genres, generations and time, and is a true modern classic that will be remembered for years to come.
