Hollywood Ending by Lance Pototschnik

Lance Pototschnik tells the captivating and humorous tale of a man pursing his dream. The story centers around the author’s outrageous idea for getting his movie, Quarter Life Crisis, produced. Far more effort is expended in not producing the movie, however, than would have gone into actually producing it. Throughout the book, the author is assisted, or at least accompanied, by his friends Jackson and Todd. His journey features a variety of college campuses, run-ins with police, and an epic roadtrip that you are unlikely to forget.

Hollywood Ending is an exceptionally well told memoir, and Lance Pototschnik masterfully highlights the comedic aspects of his journey while maintaining a focus on the central plot of the story. I suppose that if there was one thing I would change it would be to add more of the Todd character, whom I found to be a peculiarly comical individual. But I suppose that’s an issue with memoirs rather than an issue with this particular story; you can’t rewrite history as easily as you can create a fictional novel.

If you’re in need of a good laugh, grab this book and join Lance on his journey. You won’t be disappointed! Hollywood Ending is easily the funniest book I’ve read this year.
