In One Life and Out Another by J. Mercer

A powerfully authentic young adult novel.

The idea that we have complete control over our lives is a treacherous illusion, one that offers a false sense of security. But not everything is left up to chance. There are endless choices to be made, some done without much deliberation, some so significant they can alter our entire trajectory, and even some decisions made on our behalf without our input. For Marin Greene, these unending decisions have split her into two pieces, each one struggling to settle on an identity. Marin, Hannah and Whitney used to be the best of friends, but in a moment, a single decision changes everything. Now, one version of Marin loves Hannah like a sister. In fact, Hannah’s approval means more than Marin’s personal preferences in everything from lunch plans to love interests. Another version of Marin couldn’t care less about Hannah, but values Whitney’s friendship instead. Over time, though, the constant concern for Whitney’s erratic behavior overshadows their longtime friendship. Both iterations of Marin are passionate about competitive dance, and both versions suffer from a strained mother-daughter relationship, a dynamic that constantly pushes Marin away. So far away, in fact, that Marin hopes to be accepted to a dance school as far from home as she can afford. Of course, there are distractions at every turn, including a doting would-be boyfriend, constant catastrophes with Hannah and Whitney, and Marin’s own distorted view of loyalty. In the end, Marin can only hope that years of escalating deceptions and compromised decisions don’t force her down a path filled with bitterness and regret. After all, every decision has a consequence.

In this meticulous teen drama, J. Mercer takes every opportunity to keep readers fully submerged in Marin’s convoluted life. Whether in the mind of the grittier Whitney-friended side of things or the more disciplined Hannah-loyal version, choices and consequences are constantly weighed and analyzed through the lens of young adulthood. With problems that encompass health issues, broken families, and the crushing weight of making critical choices, these spirited girls tackle modern challenges with as much life experience and wisdom as their age allows. The author presents a constant struggle between keeping others happy and finding self-contentment. So in every reality, Marin lives like a marionette where the puppeteers—her mother, her friends and her almost-boyfriend—use guilt to pull her strings. And just how she cuts free of this control isn’t realized until Marin makes the most difficult choices of her life, reaching a conclusion that settles on surprisingly level ground. Flawlessly edited and skillfully told, In One Life and Out Another is a powerfully authentic young adult novel that fluently captures the encompassing nature of making choices in the impactful adolescent years. 
