One Little Word by Audra McElyea

Psychological intrigue reaches a grand crescendo. Madeleine Barton is an independent journalist working on the story of a lifetime. A local author has been murdered and the police are taking a hands-off approach, hesitant to label the death as anything other than an unfortunate accident. Convinced of a more nefarious explanation, Madeleine resolves to get

Scarboys by A.J. Smee

An excellent choice for anyone that enjoys dystopian fiction. Fifteen-year-old Nestor Hardy, having grown up in an isolated countryside ranch with his aunt, has only experienced the outside world through second-hand stories. When his aunt dies, Nestor determines to make the arduous trek to the city so that he can find a doctor that can

Our Lunar New Year by Yobe Qiu

A delightfully enlightening representation of a wide variety of lively traditions. While the Lunar New Year and its associated celebrations are eagerly anticipated by billions of the planet’s inhabitants, this holiday is unfamiliar to much of the world living outside of Asia. Thanks to author Yobe Qiu, children everywhere can eagerly join in the exciting

Taylor Mill Horror by Austin Lawrence

Has a creepy, edgy feel that will keep your heart racing. Every now and then, it makes the headlines when a new homeowner finds something valuable like a lost Van Gogh painting in their attic. However, there are other times when a real estate purchase comes with something more sinister hiding within its walls. The

The Long Nights by Tom Mock

Delightfully strange and intoxicatingly dangerous. “To understand a problem, often one must pay particular attention to the unusual.” The unusual is well within the purview of Specialist Joe Kellerman. With gifts ranging from supernatural private investigating to avant-garde artistic abilities, Joe can handle just about anything that comes his way, including bloodied bodies, severed heads

In Our Blood by Caitlin Billings

Rewarding and profoundly human. “You don’t have to judge yourself for this. You’re human.” Isn’t this a reassurance we could all use from time to time? For Caitlin Billings, this reminder comes from a compassionate nurse she met while being held in a psychiatric ward after suffering a breakdown. The trigger? There is no simple,

Foretold by Violet Lumani

A novel you’ll devour in a single sitting. When you’re a sixteen-year-old girl with major, life-altering OCD, you tend to get really good at steering clear of challenging situations. For Cassandra Morai, traveling through an intersection or meeting a new neighbor ranks fairly high on the list of difficult problems. A discerning friend with a

The Goldilocks Quartet by Leia Barrett

Sure to pluck at the heartstrings of musically inclined young readers. An endearing, lyrical rendition of a classic children’s story, The Goldilocks Quartet is a beautiful book that is sure to pluck at the heartstrings of musically inclined young readers. Goldilocks can’t help but admire the entrancing music pouring from a house she often walks

Cockatoos in the Mangroves by Vanessa S. Lee-AhMat

An impassioned collection of profound poems and personal reflections. Cockatoos in the Mangroves by Vanessa S. Lee-AhMat is an impassioned collection of profound poems and personal reflections that offers a glimpse into her culture and heritage. The book is divided into three distinct sections that throw into sharp contrast long-held traditions and alleged progress. Cutting

The Lion in Your Heart by R.C. Chizhov

A beautifully illustrated and positively inspirational story. For centuries, the lion has been viewed as a majestic symbol of strength and courage. Through visualization, R.C. Chizhov uses the stately king of beasts to teach children how they can overcome their fears in the book The Lion in Your Heart. Along with his family, a young

Feasters: The Circle by Solomon Petchers

A spirited horror story that young adult audiences will devour. Four teens living in a post-apocalyptic setting deal with challenges within their group while trying to survive the fearsome threats outside. The world that Kieran, Emily, Andrew and Carissa find themselves in is a place where zombie-like creatures, called Feasters, roam the streets looking to

Trilogy of Shorts: Gnome Stories by Ashley Parker Owens

These three stories of individuality and perseverance read like otherworldly folktales. Ashley Parker Owens has created a fascinating, topsy-turvy world where humans are heartless ogres and intelligent society belongs to gardening gnomes. Within the pages of Trilogy of Shorts: Gnome Stories are the personal tales of two such ponderous gnomes and a gentle elephant whose

Kynhaven by Sarah Westill

More satisfying than a roaring fireplace in a blizzard. Sziveria is reeling from the murder of one of its own. A horrible injustice and a life snuffed out far too young, this heinous crime hits close to home for Mason Dandridge. Though typically known for his ability to keep cool under extreme pressure, only the

Cold Run by Michael Dault

Ruthless crime families collide in a glistening snow globe setting. A perilous frozen landscape provides the stunning backdrop for Michael Dault’s Cold Run. The scene opens when a traffic accident turns into a blazing inferno. Fast forward a few years and we meet Cy Ford. Ford isn’t winning any awards for Mr. Congeniality. In fact,