The Fat Burner Secrets by Daniel Eamer

Fall is in the air and a high-school reunion is on the horizon for Dan and his wife, Michelle. As the event approaches, Dan takes a nostalgic trip through his old yearbook. Besides reminiscing on silly haircuts and high-school sweethearts, he spends time brushing up on the names of all his old friends. It’s a […]

The Organ Broker by Deven Greene

The world is full of social imbalances, iniquities, and stratifications, and these injustices are glaringly obvious when looking at the prison system. One death row inmate looking to accept his due punishment volunteers to expedite his execution specifically to donate his heart to a politician’s wife in dire need of a transplant. His sacrifice saves

I, No Other: Narrations & Exaltations by Yarrow Paisley

Humanity has been reduced to little more than atoms and impulses ricocheting through space and time with only carnal urges to guide them in I, No Other: Narrations & Exaltations by Yarrow Paisley. Readers will have to decide for themselves if this collection is more titillating or toxic, scintillating or sadistic, intelligent or immature, tightly

Layered Leadership by Lawrence R. Armstrong

Modern marketers often distill the complexities of life into catchy jingles, five-minute miracles, or three easy steps to success. In contrast, Lawrence R. Armstrong takes a more holistic approach to leadership in his autobiographical handbook, Layered Leadership: Drive Double-Digit Growth and Dominate Your Competition with Creative Strategies and Execution. Focusing on a broad landscape and

Operation Paperweight by Bobbie L Wagner

America in the late 1940s is a nation characterized by significant transformation and unwavering resilience. Nobody feels this more keenly than Laura Schmitt, a sensible young woman working as an au pair for a powerful Russian family. Both an immigrant and an orphan, Laura has become adept at overcoming challenges in her twenty years. Though

His Final Answer by Christopher D White & Jennifer Curran

The island nation of Iceland is a nature lover’s dream. Breathtaking vistas encompass rugged coastlines, untamed landscapes, and unique natural phenomena. Now, native Icelander and one of the world’s wealthiest men, Daniel Pallson, is about to open a spectacular new resort. Featuring fishing, sports, and luxurious accommodations, Pallson’s Salmon Valley resort is poised to stimulate

Nightfall Nightmares by Miguel Angel Hernandez Jr.

From witchcraft to bloodlust and mad science to precognition, there are no boundaries in Miguel Angel Hernandez Jr.’s Halloween-worthy anthology, Nightfall Nightmares: Twelve Mysterious Tales. Hernandez demonstrates his versatility with the natural pairing of horror and mystery, providing readers with scary tales that are brimming with puzzles, riddles, and questions waiting to be answered. While

Below by Alaric Cabiling

“Poverty was one thing; a catastrophe was another.” It is 2022 and injustices and outbreaks are as common in his Filipino neighborhood as the heat and humidity for young Luzvimindo ‘Min’ Arnaiz. A resident of the shanties in ironically named Happyland, 12-year-old Min knows no other life beyond scavenging for valuables hidden in the ever-growing

Breaking Silence by Alan Brenham

Who is AMZ and why are they texting bizarre messages to Claire Deveraux? Busy with her work at the American Embassy in Paris, Claire has little time for scammers, spammers, or time-wasters, which is exactly what AMZ is to her. Through their annoyingly persistent texts, AMZ claims to know something that would significantly impact Claire’s

Whisper by Kay Ross

In a world where magic is limited to a select few and foreign languages are tightly controlled, centrally-located Entia is unique among the kingdoms. This tropical land is home to a powerful group of sorcerers who act as the last line of defense against dangers from outside kingdoms, challenges from within Entia, and the threat

Broken Pencils by J.R. Rice

It might be his birthday, but blowing out the candles never seems to grant Jonah Tarver his wish. For as many of his eighteen years as he can remember, Jonah has endured one challenge after another. True, his family loves him, but they don’t always know how to help him through his troubles. His father

Breaking Through To You by Alyssa Milani

If Ophelia Jones can’t find a decent, datable guy, how does everyone else manage to do it? Maybe her good looks intimidate men. Perhaps her overflowing confidence is offputting to those who aren’t quite as self-assured. Or it could be that her spicy personality is just too hot for most guys to handle. Regardless of

Astrid Beeswax: The Sting by Tessa Jensen

Some experts will tell you that the key to achieving your goals begins with creating a five-year plan. For Astrid Beeswax, the blueprint for her goal has been more than a decade in the making, ever since the fateful day when Harold Braggart dropped a lit match in a tent filled with fireworks. The ensuing

Kilómetro Cero by James Walter Lee

With a new MBA under his belt and a bankable career already laid out before him, Nick Evers has a set of circumstances most people would envy. Add in his inherited wealth, athletic physique, close friends, and striking good looks and you have a storybook-perfect life. Yet, Nick didn’t ask for any of this. While

The Errors of Mankind by Curt A. Canfield

When studying the modern history of our world, it is impossible to exclude war from the curriculum. Stemming from religious and political divisions to run-of-the-mill selfishness, war has been a driving force behind almost every land and nation. Military veteran Will knows this firsthand. A Marine who served in Vietnam, Will struggles to accept the

Love Laugh and Row by Trisa J. Louise

Greta and Aleksander Kristoff escaped Russia at just the right time. History’s Bloody Sunday is all the impetus needed for this courageous family to leave everything behind in the hopes of a better life. Emigrating to America in pursuit of freedom, however, is not without trouble. Whether harassment from gangsters, the pain of separation, or

Departure by Tippi Bruce

It is the end of the world and it seems that Joy didn’t get a heads-up. Without any idea of what is happening to the country and nobody to turn to for answers, she finds herself in a precarious position. Hundreds of people are being herded onto trains destined for an undisclosed location and Joy