Justice Delayed, Justice Denied by P.A. De Voe

Xiang-hua and her cousin Hong Shu-chang find themselves entangled in the town’s latest scandal, and it all starts at the grand opening of a new restaurant. Xiang-hua has a front-row seat to an outrageous spectacle as hordes of beggars descend upon unsuspecting diners, simply because the owner neglected to pay the so-called beggars tax. But a restaurateur’s thoughtless oversight isn’t the biggest news of the day. Before the establishment closes its doors for the night, a man’s body is discovered and the cause of death might just be murder. Shu-chang and Xiang-hua are asked to investigate the incident, but they are already contending with a number of daunting challenges in their personal and professional lives. Shu-chang is weighed down by guilt over failing to achieve all his family wanted for him. Moreover, his father and uncle’s murders have gone unsolved and unavenged for too long, casting a shadow over everything he does. Xiang-hua is a dedicated doctor who possesses a quiet determination and unwavering resolve to treat the women in her care. Acting as counselor, confidant and healer takes a toll, both physically and emotionally, and a murder investigation will only muddle the complex problems she’s already dealing with. What begins as an isolated crime snowballs into a storm of deceit, abuse, and murder.

Justice Delayed, Justice Denied is an enjoyable trip back in time, inviting readers to get to know some of the cultural norms and customs from ancient China. The author makes it easy for readers to jump into Xiang-hua and Shu-chang’s time during the Ming dynasty. The rich traditions and heritage of this period are enjoyed through approachable narration that doesn’t read as though it had its origins in ancient China, nor does it come across as so contemporary to seem affected. In a culture where relationships are complex and honor is paramount, exhibiting filial virtues proves to be a constant struggle for our protagonists, keeping tension in the story even when the plot at times sags. Most interesting in this historical tale are the constant parallels that can be drawn with our modern world despite being hundreds of years apart, particularly in matters of justice and equality. Xiang-hua’s comments mirror our own thoughts as she declares, “Justice is not the privilege of the wealthy alone.” Character driven and historically consistent, Justice Delayed, Justice Denied is an illuminating cozy mystery that will tickle your international fancy.
