Magic in Windowland by Rupamanjari Majumder

Filled with whimsy and wonder.

On a chilly school day, Nina takes advantage of a few extra minutes to draw doodles in the foggy patch that her breath leaves on a glass window. Her usual doodle, Pip, watches everything happening around him from a solitary position where he remains stuck in the pane. Something unexpected happens after a pixie sneezes on the glass. Pip finds that not only can he move, but he can magically make other doodles come to life too! But doodle Pip doesn’t have much more than a melting ice cream cone in his single window. He immediately puts all of the exciting new magic to good use and sets off to have an expedition like no other, hoping to discover who else exists in Windowland.

Tenderly and thoughtfully made with young children in mind, Magic in Windowland is an effervescent story that holds all sorts of clever surprises. Doodle Pip regards the world around him with childlike wonder and enthusiasm, and his story is as fun as it is endearing. The artwork is a perfect blend of simplicity and imagination, featuring doodles that any child can understand and identify. Stick figures of dragons and ice cream cones become so much more than inky lines on paper as Pip and his friends live and breathe adventure. Rupamanjari Majumder infuses this charming book with just enough twists to engage little readers and keep them coming back for seconds. For a brilliant little story to enjoy with those just learning to read, Magic in Windowland is filled with whimsy and wonder.  
