Maker Messiah by Ed Miracle

Ed Miracle masterfully blends technological realities with future possibility in this gripping tale of what-if.

Albert Einstein has been credited with the saying “Our technology has exceeded our humanity.” In this clever novel by Ed Miracle, technology and humanity find themselves at war. Philip Machen is a genius inventor who has come up with the solution to many problems that plague mankind. The solution is twofold. First is a portable, sustainable Powerpod, providing energy without being attached to the grid. After these Powerpod units find themselves into the hands of many, a second surprise is revealed. The pods can be converted to Makers, devices that make a copy of anything. Money, jewelry, food… the possibilities are endless!

On one hand, this innovative product of technology is a miracle. No more food shortages, access to clean water, new clothes. On the other hand, economies crash overnight. Commodities become worthless and businesses go under. Someone must be held accountable. Does Machen intend to collapse society or did he intend to elevate humankind? Governments step in, militias step up, and chaos follows.

Ed Miracle masterfully blends technological realities with future possibility in this gripping tale of what-if. If technology ever catches up, Maker Messiah will be my field guide for how to act during the apocalypse!


Congratulations to

Maker Messiah by Ed Miracle

winner of the

Indies Today 2019 Best Science Fiction Award
