Murphy Wears a Mask by Sherrel Campbell

“No mask for me,” declares Murphy when his mommy asks him to put on his mask before they go outside. Whether it is because they don’t want to stand out or they simply don’t want to be told what to do, this sentiment is mimicked by countless children the world over. Murphy’s mother patiently explains to her son the reasons why he should wear a mask, and how it benefits both him and others. After hearing his mother’s simple but sound reasoning, Murphy eagerly gets his face mask and puts it on. Heading outside, he sees that many others are wearing their masks too.

The topic of this story couldn’t be more relevant. Sherrel Campbell shares powerful information in a manner that is easy for preschoolers and kindergarteners to understand. In one short sentence, Murphy’s mommy is able to succinctly explain germs to her son, and to your children too! I loved that Murphy had a fun and colorful mask, one with smiley faces on it, that he could get excited about. The adorable characters are illustrated perfectly, and kids will immediately be drawn to Murphy and the rest of the cast. If you find yourself struggling to get your young child to wear their mask, Murphy Wears a Mask is an effective tool to help children develop an appreciation, and maybe even an affinity, for mask-wearing.
