My Not So Normal Life 2: After-School Spy by Liz Laz

She speaks six languages, can disarm a bomb in under two minutes, and has been a trained spy for the U.S. Government for years, but what Lily really wants is to make it through her freshman year at Pulaski High without making waves. Though her school friends are non-existent and her family life is dysfunctional at best, Lily and her team are better than family. If only they could socialize outside of work, then people could see that Lily isn’t the loner people think she is.

The story is on point in every aspect. The ‘Teen Operatives’ come across as a tight knit group of friends whom I wish I’d had for friends when I was in school. The dialogue is genuine and often humorous. Liz Laz shows remarkable insight into teen life. Lily’s problems, balancing homework and extra-curriculars, dealing with gossip, and that long-term crush, are spot on. And as far as protagonists go, this girl is tough!

If you’re looking for a witty teen spy novel flooded with all the angst of high school, then Liz Laz has written this book just for you. With a dizzying array of action scenes mixed with just the right amount of drama and lots of awkward teen moments, After-School Spy will satisfy any reader who ever walked the halls of a high school as a  teenager.
