Perry The Fairy And Her Tail by Tsila Glidai

Perry The Fairy And Her Tail is the first in an enchanting series of books geared toward children aged 4 to 8. The Tell Me A Story, Grandma books follow the adventures of the ever curious Sapphire and the consummately wise and patient Grandma Glee. Sapphire asks Grandma Glee why stories are called tales. The explanation Grandma Glee delivers is heartwarming and educational, serving up lessons in compassion, acceptance, and the value of community.

Tsila Glidai has crafted a book for children that is completely warm and fuzzy while still tackling the common issue of being different and not fitting in. Since peer pressure starts at a very young age, Perry The Fairy And Her Tail features important lessons in a package that will appeal to impressionable young readers. The watercolor-esque illustrations highlight an attractive and diverse cast that captures a wide range of emotions with authenticity. The opening pages with Grandma Glee and Sapphire were especially nostalgic and charming, captivating readers from the outset. With quirky characters and valuable life lessons, all wrapped in a colorful package, Tell Me A Story, Grandma Glee Book 1 – Perry The Fairy And Her Tail is a delightful story that is sure to feed imaginative young minds.
