Please Don’t by S. A. Fanning

My favorite Fanning book so far.

Some people seem to live a charmed, privileged life with endless opportunities and a bright future. Nat Reams lives in a big house in a fancy neighborhood. His athletic talent is enough to make a career of, or at least earn a college scholarship. But his apparent advantages end at his scuffed front door. With an absentee father, an out-of-control mother, and the weight of all the household bills falling on his shoulders, the young man takes on a burden greater than anyone realizes. One impulsive decision changes everything in his life. Exposing his heart of gold, Nat steps up to defend a shy girl he barely knows. Unfortunately, the girl’s aggressor is a teacher and Nat’s defense is a nose-smashing punch. Expulsion looms and everything that Nat had planned for his future disintegrates. With nothing to lose and a lot to learn, Nat invites the girl and all her problems into his life. As it turns out, there’s a lot of ugliness in the world, even in the finely manicured suburbs.

Please Don’t is a wonderful book for young readers that helps cultivate empathy and understanding for those with different circumstances and backgrounds. The story deals with a lot of racism, hostility, ignorance and unconscious bias. Even Nat, when he scornfully refers to a group of troublemakers in a trailer park as ‘rednecks’, shows that he too is influenced by these prejudices. However, the way Nat rises above the petty and even the malicious provocations exhibits the tender-hearted and open person he truly is. Other small touches really help this book stand out as one to be moved to the top of the reading list. For instance, the novel is so accurate in the details of working in a lawn care crew or the disappointment that can come from obsessively cyber stalking a detached family member that it feels like the author must have actually experienced those things firsthand. My favorite Fanning book so far, Please Don’t is heartwarming, surprising, eye-opening and soul-satisfying.
