Pray For Them by Trisha Fenimore

An absolutely brilliant perspective piece.

If somebody accused you of racism, how might you respond? Would you defend yourself, citing inclusive lawn signs and a diverse voting record? At the very least, you could state with certainty that you’ve never been involved in a hate crime nor joined any racist group, right? Maybe, but is that enough? Through just a few decades of life, Trisha Fenimore’s record of action, and more potently, of inaction, demonstrates that racism can be more insidious than we might believe. But this excruciatingly honest account is more than a nascent realization of one particular failing. The author recounts a childhood that feels very typical for a suburban white kid growing up toward the end of the 20th century. Her family doesn’t come across as openly racist, but what’s learned behind the family’s front door proves to be difficult to unlearn. The occasional insinuating comment at a family dinner or slur heard from an oblivious grandparent is only the start of a simmering resentment, even if the feelings are uninvited, unwanted and uncomfortable. 

Pray For Them: The True Story of a Racist White Christian Called to Black Seminary by Trisha Fenimore is an absolutely brilliant perspective piece that is about so much more than one woman’s struggle with racism. The author details her journey toward atheism, her steady progression into full-blown alcoholism, the unrelenting path of self-loathing worsened by unfulfilling work and toxic relationships, and ultimately, the healthy friendships and wholesome moments of self-reckoning that led from a path of shame and destruction to one of bravery, light, ministry and love. A sense of self-awareness and the desire to improve oneself are as poignant in her stories as her inescapable candor.

Each chapter heading reminds audiences of another life lost to sickening hatred, a chronological record of just some of the senseless, racially motivated crimes carried out during the author’s life. From an impressionable young girl trying to fit into a divided world to an empathetic woman acting out of the consideration she’s been shown, Fenimore’s life course blazes a complicated yet liberating trail that feels as inevitable as the sun dawning a new day. Pray For Them is a beautiful account about the enduring gifts of compassion and prayer, pointing to the enlightened path we can walk with God, one where respect and kindness rule.
