Quinn Saves Christmas by Jana Buchmann

A perfect addition to any child’s annual holiday traditions.

Quinn, an adventurous snow fairy, overhears a pair of squabbling elves. The elves, Rusty and Fudge, are worried about which of them lost Santa’s wish list. Eager to help, Quinn takes the rueful elves to retrace their steps in the hopes of tracking down the list. A clue is found in an ominously large footprint, which leads the trio into the scary mountains. Despite the warning signs, Quinn presses on and finds a beautiful icy house in the middle of the forest. Filled with optimism and fueled by curiosity, Quinn boldly and courageously knocks on the door. A reclusive Yeti answers the door and admits to having taken the list, although it is clear that he feels bad. What transpires from that point is a beautiful example of the power of kindness and friendship.

Jana Buchmann has a talent not only for writing children’s stories, but also for utilizing gifted illustrators that skillfully capture the essence of her stories and characters and bring them to life. The illustrations are so striking, so alive, so bold, that even children that can’t yet read will want to spend hours looking through this vivid book. Quinn’s expressions reveal her spunky attitude as much as the charming text. The story itself is wonderfully heartwarming, providing an entertaining and positive message for young ones. Whether it is given as a wrapped gift or not, Quinn Saves Christmas is a unique holiday tale that endeavors to bring out the best in children. Between the endearing story and the recipe in the back for Quinn’s Snowflake Cookies, this book is a perfect addition to any child’s annual holiday traditions.
