Secrets To Being Amazing by Denise Wijayaratne

In this book, Denise Wijayaratne details 23 things that confident people don’t do. Each chapter explains one of the points briefly, sometimes in just a few paragraphs, and some of them also include examples or charts to help emphasize the point. Toward the end of each chapter there is an additional feature, called Amazingness Keys. These are helpful for detailing not just what a confident person doesn’t do, but how you can apply the information so that you can develop and boost your own confidence.

I must admit, when I saw the book’s cover my hopes weren’t high. However, it was quickly clear to me that the information found in Secrets To Being Amazing has a solid foundation. An example of the wisdom found in it’s pages is where Denise explains the value of rejoicing in others’ successes rather than being envious or bitter. Many other practical topics are discussed, including social media, entitlement and relationships. The main points in Secrets To Being Amazing were brief but to the point, which makes this book especially beneficial in today’s busy world where people don’t have a lot of time. Denise Wijayaratne has written a highly motivational book that has the power to transform lives for the better. Secrets To Being Amazing provides a set of values that can boost your self-confidence and can help you to live a happier and more fulfilling life!
