Seek Me and you will find ME: I did and I DID by Ron Ziegler

Seek Me and you will find ME: I did and I DID is a true story of discovery, healing, and redemption by Ron Ziegler. The author’s profound faith is abundantly clear in the pages of this motivating book of real-life experiences, prayers, personal anecdotes, scriptures and more. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words and the inclusion of a number of beautiful photos, relevant illustrations, and stock images really help to drive the main points home. My favorite was the clouds forming the message ‘hi’ in the sky, providing clear confirmation at just the right time. Ziegler has a unique and informal writing style that feels like an intimate conversation with a dear friend.

If experience is the best teacher, then Ron Ziegler’s experience can do much to teach others that have walked in his shoes. There are neither pretenses nor insincerities to be found in this interesting journey through a troubled life. Unfortunately, run-on sentences, incomplete sentences, grammatical errors and overuse of emphatic formatting detract from Ziegler’s powerful message. Despite the technical flaws, the bones of this book are good and Ron Ziegler’s genuine positivity and steadfast conviction are refreshing. Seek Me and you will find ME: I did and I DID is an inspiring and heartfelt story that could powerfully motivate those that need this gospel most.
