Should You Enter Book Award Contests?

There are several reasons authors enter their books in award contests. It could be for curiosity, validation, recognition, to increase sales, or it may be part of a larger marketing plan. Books that win awards often benefit from the advertising and promotion that comes with winning the award, and authors will forever be able to cite that they won an award. Many feel that today’s market is oversaturated with books by indie authors, but being able to cite that you are “an award-winning author” or that your book is “an award-winning book” certainly helps you to stand out above the crowd.

Comparing Your Options

With dozens of award contests available, how can you decide which ones to enter? There are many factors that can help you determine which award contests are a good fit for you. Let’s look at some:

  • REPUTATION: Obviously, winning a Pulitzer Prize has much more weight than winning a new book blogger’s Book of the Month Award. With dozens of awards contest options in the middle, as an author, you will want to consider the reputation of each awards contest to determine which ones will benefit you the most.
  • INTENTIONS: Unfortunately, as an author, you may need to consider the motivation behind the awards contest host. Some awards contest hosts keep their focus on highlighting and promoting outstanding books. Others charge high fees because they are more motivated by money, and some may even use their awards contest as a scheme to coerce authors to publish their book with them.
  • COSTS: Some contests have backing from an endowment or a foundation and don’t charge an entry fee. Others charge a nominal fee to cover necessary expenses and prizes. Still others have exorbitant fees that include extra charges for basic options.
  • PRIZES: One of the best prizes you can win is the marketing ability to say that you are the winner of a respectable award. Some contests also offer cash prizes, book promotion, invitations to award ceremonies, trophies, badges, etc. Before entering any contests, consider what you want to get out of an award contest.

Deciding Which Award Contests You Should Enter

With the above factors in mind, determine which book award contests you would benefit the most from by entering. While it may seem like an overwhelming task, it can actually be very simple. As with any purchase, it ultimately comes down to considering whether what you get is worth the cost. You can find out a lot by visiting the award host’s website and asking yourself a few questions: Have you heard of the award before? Does the contest host’s website look professional? Do they seem like they are trying to take advantage of authors or help them?

With these thoughts in mind, check out our list of award contests and see if any of them fit your goals as an author. And don’t forget to check out the Indies Today Awards while you’re considering your options!