Spooked by a Suspicion by Risa Nyman

A fast paced sequel with mystery, drama and heart.

Dealing with the loss of a parent can spell disaster for any child. But for Rocky Casson, the joyful announcement that his mom is getting remarried is nothing short of devastating. There’s no wedding date yet, so Rocky still has time to figure out exactly what Ted is all about, and hopefully time to derail their plans. Besides, with a name like Theodore Duddledorf, this guy’s got to be up to no good! At the very least, he seems to be lying about his past and if the wedding moves forward, Rocky’s plans for the end of 8th grade may go up in smoke. So, while navigating the complexities of friendships and young love, Rocky begins the inquest against Ted and the mission to salvage his home life.

Spooked by a Suspicion is a fast paced sequel with mystery, drama and heart. Nyman’s storytelling skills are complemented by her keen ability to paint realistic characters. Rocky is impulsive and immature, but full of spunk and good intentions. Olive is sassy and bossy, just how I remember myself as a young teen girl. The life lessons are subtle but steady as Rocky comes to grips with his new situation. The intentional misdirection as Rocky plays detective may be obvious for more mature readers, but the story arc is perfect for an audience of young bookworms who love a bit of intrigue. Crafted with a plot that is totally relatable, Spooked by a Suspicion is a perfect find for middle grade readers.
