The Albatross: Requiem by Connor Mackay

Extra-earth military fiction at it’s best.

Interplanetary relationships between humans and other species have proven to be both beneficial and catastrophic. Xenophobia persists no matter how many light years you travel, but thousands of years of innovation and technology have been a saving grace for humans. The cost of advancements in health and science is in human flesh, paid as a debt in a war that seems to have more casualties than victors. A military exercise leaves Captain Bhele and a small group of survivors trapped on an inhospitable planet with little in the way of resources, an enemy battalion advancing upon them, and no way to contact Union forces. While Elora Bhele grapples with the choices she’s made, Will Reach is stuck in a similar holding pattern. Decisions he has made in the line of duty have saved lives, but the choices still haunt him. This emotional trauma isn’t lost on his partner Sarah Li. And with a brilliant mind like Sarah’s, it’s frustrating to be unable to offer a quick fix to Will’s problems. However, troubles loom large for these three heroic personalities, since not everyone in the Union is loyal to the cause. Battles rage across the universe and inside their inner circle as the quest for dominion continues to take its toll.

The Albatross: Requiem by Connor Mackay is extra-earth military fiction at it’s best. This second book in the series is a perfect addition to the collection, evolving into a story with a distinctly cooler and tighter constitution. To pen a novel of such complexity and flawless structure speaks to the organization in the mind of the author. This is evident in everything from intricate military exercises to the seamless temporal transitions as the narrating voices alternate focus between the three main characters, Will, Sarah and Elora. But this book is so much more than an alloyed military adventure. Hauntingly beautiful word pictures paint even the most tense scenes, and the pages are filled with constant struggles between love and loathing. More saga than story, The Albatross: Requiem is a solid cosmic delight!
