The Amazing Bees by Yoel Silber

As important as it is entertaining.

Without question, our environment is in trouble. The Amazing Bees: A Children’s Theatrical Experience addresses a small but critical element of life on earth. This illuminating book, geared for kids, tackles the trouble facing our precious honeybees in the form of an energetic and well-illustrated story. Princess Debbee is in training to be the future queen of her hive. Between her pesky little brother’s distractions and her favorite bee band, Debbee still manages to make her royal education a priority. She learns lots of things about bees and honey making, but nothing can prepare her for the devastating news about an imminent threat to the hive. Determined to be the kind of leader that everyone can rely upon, Princess Debbee embarks on an adventure to save her family, and in the process learn what it means to be truly brave.

With a unique premise and an encouraging message, The Amazing Bees is as important as it is entertaining. For young readers that may be anxious around bees, or even afraid of them, Yoel Silber does a great service giving our apian friends endearingly human characteristics and sweet-natured personalities. From the emotive expressions on the faces of the characters to the stylish shoes Princess Debbee wears throughout the story, kids will be able to wholeheartedly get behind such a relatable and charming story. Effective at raising awareness and engendering a sense of respect for the ecosystem, The Amazing Bees: A Children’s Theatrical Experience is a wonderful tool to help form a more conscientious generation and a healthier planet.
