The Day Grandpa Bunny Forgot Ben’s Name by Isla Wynter

The story of Grandpa Bunny is a melancholy tale of dementia that is delivered in a manner that both educates and comforts children who have to deal with that difficult situation in their family. Grandbunny Ben is at first confused by Granpa’s unusual actions, but soon learns how he can help his grandfather.

The artwork in this book is charming, and the story deals with an adult topic in a manner that children will be able to handle and benefit from. It covers questions children may have that I wouldn’t even have considered, such as whether dementia is contagious. A noteworthy feature of the book is near the end, where Ben lists ways that he can help his Grandpa, followed by a blank list that you and your child can fill out to assist whomever in your family deals with this debilitating syndrome.

The Day Grandpa Bunny Forgot Ben’s Name is a picture book that teaches children empathy and should be read to every child, whether they deal with dementia in their family or not. Isla Wynter educates children in a tender and compassionate way, and the story of Grandpa Bunny is one that you won’t want to pass on!
