The Greatest of These by Lori Morrison

The Greatest of These by Lori Morrison is one woman’s recollection of an extremely difficult life cut short, that of her husband Leigh and his impact on those around him. Both Leigh and Lori’s less than ideal upbringings mold them into the adults that they become: The raging anger from Leigh’s manipulative father and the depths of despair brought on by severe mental illness from Lori’s mother leave lasting scars on these two vulnerable individuals. As these scars surface, relationships are tested to the limit. Shortly after Leigh undergoes a successful double transplant surgery, he endures a debilitating stroke. While trying to be there for her husband, Lori struggles with resentment from Leigh’s family and her own worthless feelings stemming from a mother who simply didn’t show her love.

It is easy to get a sense of the kind of man Leigh was. He stood out as being easy-going, funny and impulsive, a father, husband and friend that will be missed. It is less obvious for Lori. Her frazzled, frustrated and fatigued reactions as she transitions from wife to care-giver are clear, but her personality doesn’t always shine through. Despite the struggles, Morrison manages to keep it together and is quick to attribute this resilience to her faith. The retelling really brightens up as the book nears its end, when she is finally able to share her faith with her husband and a measure of forgiveness is granted. Readers that are looking for an inspirational tale about maintaining faith through great suffering are sure to enjoy this memoir.
