The High Seer by Alex Bree

A modern literary legend.

Aurienne Azarrah is a great leader, though she was not appointed by any human. At birth, a calamitous prophecy sealed Aurienne’s fate, or at least, put her on an agonizing path. This selfless young woman was gifted with the power of the Goddess and became High Seer more than a decade ago, a role she embraces with boldness, passion, conviction, and dedication. Even when she is weary, lonely, anxious, or afraid, Aurienne doesn’t let it show and will never give up on her people. Her visions hang like a millstone around her neck, pointing toward the Darkling War and the fall of Teridar, so Aurienne labors to find a future that will please the Goddess, satisfy Fate, and save her city. Unfortunately, this year’s annual eclipse foretelling is particularly ominous, placing war within the year. But Aurienne Sees a small ray of hope, a single future that preserves Avyllon, though the cost will be steep. At just the right moment, she crosses paths with Theo Thatcher, a skilled forger who wants nothing more than a simple life crafting beautiful blades. Her Sight shows Aurienne that Theo is the key to uniting Teridar against a threat more powerful than any nation’s singular effort.

Prophecies, witches, divination, vampires, scrying crystals, enchantments, runes, and rock monsters are just a small sampling of Alex Bree’s supernatural smorgasbord, The High Seer. Alternating viewpoints lure readers in with Theo’s empathy, humility, charm, and bravery or the ragged determination that radiates from Aurienne, a woman who gives of herself until she is bled dry. Staggering worldbuilding is disclosed naturally and in perfect measure, allowing audiences to fall head over heels for this fantasy realm. First, we get a taste of Avyllon city life with Aurienne and her rare Seeing gifts. Then, a fleeting glimpse of robust Rodarri, a land of sacrificial queens. Next, an eternal prison restraining vicious monsters who have been warped throughout the ages. And that only scratches the surface of the book’s first part! By then, readers are fully invested in the drama, eager to explore every inch of the land, and utterly powerless to turn away. Whether futures and fates, superstitions and ancient ways, or exacting sorcery and unleashed monsters, delicious conflict is prolific in this panoramic novel. Exquisitely rendered and utterly beguiling, The High Seer is a modern literary legend, a fantasy novel that will leave you in slack-jawed awe as you impatiently await the next installment.
