The MENtal Fight Of Your Life by Freddie Floyd Jr

Those working toward a healthy marriage will appreciate the grounded advice.

Can you remember the happiest day of your life? Maybe it was a milestone of age, education, or health. Perhaps a perfect vacation or closing on your first home. What about your wedding day? Certainly a happy event, but has marriage been the wedded bliss you imagined? Of course, nobody has a perfect marriage since we are all less-than-perfect people. But happiness doesn’t have to be elusive for couples. The MENtal Fight Of Your Life by Freddie Floyd Jr. is a powerful tool crafted for Christians who want to find or increase marital peace and joy. By weaving scriptures seamlessly with practical guidance, modern problems are handled with ancient wisdom. Tackling common challenges that can undermine a marriage, the eleven chapters cover topics ranging from remaining faithful to shedding a crippling victim mentality. But the solutions all stem from developing a relationship with God, and the book encourages couples to build upon this sturdy foundation.

It can be difficult to take advice from a stranger, especially when that advice is so personal. Freddie Floyd Jr. speaks to audiences in an inviting, conversational manner, helping the practical suggestions to feel like help offered by a concerned friend. In places, the text cautions against modern trends that tend to erode family life. Other times, it speaks directly to readers, placing the onus where it belongs: “If anything is going to happen in your life, you will have to wage war and make it happen.” A really nice point in chapter two helps men and women understand their unique roles in a marriage. With scriptural references as a basis, the author makes clear that husbands need to love their wives and wives should respect their husbands. Even when it is challenging, there are benefits to following this direction. There is also an interesting discussion about love, as used in the Bible. We may love chocolate cake, but that clearly is not the type of feeling God had in mind when he commanded men to love their wives, nor is it the way God has expressed his love for people. We are moved to evaluate how we treat others when we consider the truth of the statement, “Love is a choice, not just a feeling.” Whether religiously inclined or not, those working toward a healthy marriage will appreciate the grounded advice. If you’re pondering marriage or are looking to improve the one you have by means of the scriptures, The MENtal Fight Of Your Life is the perfect guidebook for men and women.
