The Nocturnal Devil by Miguel Angel Hernandez Jr.

An intense, action-packed book that will haunt your nightmares.

It’s been said that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Griffin Knight, an unparalleled homicide detective, may be recuperating from physical injuries and emotional wounds earned back in Seattle, but his tenacity and sense of justice have never been sharper. So when someone begins to terrorize women in New York City, Knight puts his personal needs aside in order to track down a heinous criminal and make the city a safer place. However, the deeper Knight sinks into the case, the more challenges he faces, both from threats in New York and beyond. With an unrestrained serial killer on the loose, one that has honed their murderous craft, Detective Knight might have bitten off more than he can chew. Fortunately, he’s not a one-man show. Griffin’s partner Noah, the tech-savvy Ashe, and his emotional supporter and closest companion, Samira, join Knight to comprise a formidable team. The only trouble is, these dependable allies could become targets, and Knight has already lost too much. A high-stakes confrontation between good and evil is inevitable, and the villain’s deepest secrets have yet to be revealed.

Right from the chilling opening sequence, Hernandez sets the tone for The Nocturnal Devil. An anxiety-inducing fusion of drama and intrigue jumps from the pages as a killer takes his first victim. The suspense builds steadily from one chapter to the next as the murderer’s motives are explored and his atrocities enacted. With a smooth reading experience that moves at breakneck speed, this book unquestionably lives up to its claim of being a mystery thriller. Throughout the story, the point of view shifts regularly, tantalizing readers with a variety of perspectives that add comprehensive clarity to many of the scenes and viewpoints. Clearly defined characters, a riveting plotline, and the inclusion of innovative technology help the book to maintain a high level of engagement throughout. And nobody utilizes technology better than Knight’s ultimate nemesis, Sapphire Rushland, a deep-pocketed foe with a broad reach and a short temper. Fans of James Patterson’s BookShots or his popular Alex Cross series will love this compelling installment of Miguel Angel Hernandez Jr.’s Griffin Knight series. With a heroic lead and a demented collection of villains, The Nocturnal Devil is an intense, action-packed book that will haunt your nightmares.
