The Power of Positivity The ABC’s of a Pandemic by Ruth Maille

A perfect book for the challenging times that we’re currently living in.

There’s no denying that all of us have been affected by the pandemic, and perhaps nobody more so than our children. The Power of Positivity helps youths to deal with our current world situation in a hopeful and reassuring manner. Using a page for each letter of the alphabet, Ruth Maille shares a number of positive messages with children, such as A for appreciate, H for healthy and O for optimistic. Each full-color page features modern illustrations and one or two sentences that shed light on the topic. The book concludes with a glossary of terms that might otherwise be difficult for a young one to grasp, such as governor and vaccine.

The Power of Positivity is, as it’s title suggests, a thoughtful book that helps us to see the current world situation from a glass-half-full point of view. What a wonderful message to share with young ones who may be affected emotionally for years to come by this global pandemic! And, as a reminder for future reflection, there is a space for children to write down positive things that occurred during the pandemic. Adding to the pleasant but lively tone of the book, there are images of the earth hidden among the delightful illustrations for kids to find. Ruth Maille’s message of positivity will resonate with many young ones, and will surely have a beneficial effect on them. The Power of Positivity: The ABCs of a Pandemic is a perfect book for the challenging times that we’re currently living in.
