The River Against the Sea by Z. Lindsey

Get ready for some high-seas capers introducing a scoundrelly cast you’ll love like family.

They say the devil is in the details, but for Essimore Darkenchyl, the details are in the devil. Those details equal endless rules, regulations, protocols, and procedures overseen by the Blessed Agency, and Essie is their newest fully licensed bureaucrat. Proud to take on the role of shipping coordinator for the seafaring Brigand Noble, feisty Essie won’t let her protruding horns, glowing eyes, or habit of eating the dead get in the way of her job, even if she stands out in every crowd of humans. The Noble needs a shipping coordinator and Essie has a fresh degree to vouch for her, along with the magical Power of the Pen. That trusty pen, along with meticulous attention to the rule of law, is sure to serve her well, so long as her fellow sailors love the law as much as she does. But a magic pen, a fiery temperament, and all the college coursework in the world could never prepare Essie for the real world. The cargo aboard the Noble isn’t pantry staples as she was told, and everyone does not adhere to her beloved rules as she had expected. After a forced change in perspective, Essie has to make some tough decisions and prove to herself whether she will sink or swim in a world where wars are brewing and a dreadful virus is on the loose.

Lighthearted fantasy triumphs over darkness in The River Against the Sea. The juxtaposition of a living devil, an Æordes to be more precise, acting as a regulation-toting bureaucrat is only the beginning of the humor. Essie is a spunky girl who wears the rule of law like a seatbelt in a car. “I’m not here for the adventure. I’m here for the math.” Toss her on a ship of quirky characters bound for an island plagued by a body-snatching virus and you’ve got a worthy fantasy packed with laughs. Essie may not be asking for a wild adventure, but the action seems to follow her. There are darker moments as this story features murder, betrayal, disease, civil war, and magical powers that range from beneficial to downright villainous. As a result, the evolution of Essie’s character is gratifying to read, leaving readers feeling like they’ve made a handsome deal with the devil and would make the choice again and again! For anyone who ever wanted to be a pirate, hop aboard the Brigand Noble with Essie Darkenchyl and get ready for some high-seas capers introducing a scoundrelly cast you’ll love like family.
