The Seven Gifts Within Us by theSailor

As a sort of mentor, the Angel reveals to the boy that he will soon be living on earth. He has an important duty to fulfill, but before his departure the boy must first decipher the seven gifts bestowed upon the earth. He is left alone in a room with just a chair and seven books filled with stories from which to glean the seven gifts and their importance for humans. The boy dutifully reads each story feeling unable to discover any meaning on his own. The Angel reaches out to him after each book and gently guides the boy to learn the lessons contained therein in order to prepare him to fulfill his destiny.

The Angel proves to be a wise and patient instructor. She teaches with subtlety and grace. The lesson about space being a gift to the earth is a terrific example. Taking a stroll through a garden and discussing the value of the arrangement of each individual plant variety in their specific locations coaxes out of the boy a valuable lesson in a simple, yet meaningful way. Spirituality abounds and the book teems with virtue.

The Seven Gifts within us is a beautifully conceived philosophical work of fantastical fiction. Ethereal in composition, readers off all ages will find theSailor’s writing style to be a breath fresh air.
