The Way You See Me Now by Maury K Downs

Instead of a tropical vacation in Hawaii with his parents, Brian Morris decides to remain stateside and house-sit for them and their cat, Mr. Doodles. He even takes some time off work to fully unwind in their well-appointed mountain home. About a week into his repose, an unusual disturbance disrupts the peaceful calm. Driven by curiosity, Brian boldly takes off into the forest to find the source of the odd noise. What he discovers is more bizarre than anyone could ever imagine. Aliens with a mission have arrived on Earth!

The Way You See Me Now is a fresh take on an alien encounter story. This gentle journey is more of a feel-good buddy story with the addition of aliens with questionable motives. The overall themes in this refreshing otherworldly account are compassion and acceptance. The alternating voice narration keeps readers engaged, always wanting more from the characters and their particular perspectives. The imagery throughout the book is vivid and precise, like when Brian looks through the alien eyewear. But at other times the descriptions become repetitive, almost tiresome.  If you’re looking for an intriguing first-contact story with a relatable main character, The Way You See Me Now by Maury K Downs is a terrific read. Readers will certainly feel a connection with Brian as he bears the greatest revelation in modern history. With an unhurried pace and an unexpected arc, this richly conceived UFO discovery book creates a visual feast for every imagination.
