The World Without Flags by Ben Lyle Bedard

A perfect read for anybody looking for a fresh take on a zombie story.

“Imagine there’s no countries. It isn’t hard to do.” John Lennon’s utopian ideals resonate with Birdie and Eric, residents of the Homestead. There, people have spent a decade relearning how to live without electricity, a functional government, or interference from the outside world. The community struggles to survive against the elements, both natural and human. Political unrest is encroaching even as a virulent plague, that already decimated most of humanity, makes an unwelcomed return. When Eric is infected, Birdie is forced to flee with Eric in tow, hoping to find a cure.

Birdie is a resilient and brave young woman who forsakes everything for a man who voluntarily chose to take her into his family. While this is a zombie book, the story is not primarily about zombies. Instead, it is a story of loyalty, love, and family… with plenty of gore, grit, and grime to qualify it as an excellent dystopian novel. The ‘bad guy’, once he is revealed, gives off a strong Randall Flagg vibe. Add in the especially creepy Doctor Bragg, and you have a chilling masterpiece!

With winsome words, Ben Lyle Bedard weaves lofty ideas into a gritty reality. The end result is The World Without Flags, a perfect read for anybody looking for a fresh take on a zombie story.
