Uphill and Into the Wind by David W. Reed

An animated period piece that proves to be timeless and invigorating.

It is the 1970s and the political climate in the US is tense, if not fragile. Discontent and restless, David decides to abandon his hamster wheel and take a trip. But this is no ordinary trip. To clear his mind and broaden his perspective, David wants to immerse himself in nature and not just see the sights, but experience them. So he finds a couple of like-minded friends and together they set off from New Jersey on bicycles with a little more than camping gear and a camera. Their itinerary is loose, including just a few must-see sights and an open mind, with an ultimate destination of San Francisco. A year of training, planning and packing could never prepare the trio for the wonder and inspiration they find as they discover new landscapes, interesting people, their own adaptability, and the yawning cosmos.

Uphill And Into The Wind is an animated period piece that proves to be timeless and invigorating. This stunning retelling of an epic journey is as honest as it is exciting. There is danger and risk at every turn for the bike-packers, but the beauty and clarity they are able to experience far outweigh their sacrifices. David Reed is a gifted author, able to paint vivid word pictures with unpretentious language. For example, most of us can hear a bird’s song, but Reed is able to turn a simple chirp into a majestic symphony, one worth stepping outside in hopes of hearing. And although the ending is a bit anticlimactic, there really is no other way to conclude such a life-changing odyssey and reintegrate into sleeping indoors without the benefit of starlight. A must read for cycling enthusiasts, Uphill And Into The Wind is a dramatic and sincere account of a truly immersive and profound trip-of-a-lifetime.
